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Bowman Mentors Visit Rowan University

by | Dec 13, 2024 | Events, Speaking Engagements

Rowan Accounting Mentorship BowmanIf you don’t have family members or friends that are accountants, it can be difficult to learn about the day-to-day life of the profession. In addition to the technical side of the job, you need to learn how to interact with clients as well as the ins-and-outs of different industries. This is where the experience of Bowman’s staff proves extremely valuable. Mentorship programs – such as Rowan University’s Accounting Mentorship Program – are a useful asset for students deciding what they want to accomplish in life. Recently, Bowman staff Jie Yang (CPA, RMA, PSA), Maryann Holloway (CPA, RMA, PSA), Lexi Wilson (CPA, RMA, PSA) and Valerie Thwaites (CPA, PSA) attended Bonesaw Brewery in Glassboro, NJ with their mentees to discuss these topics.

Facilitated through the Rohrer College of Business, Bowman & Company LLP staff are assigned to students that are interested in becoming accountants. The purpose of this program, as described by the University, is “to provide a mechanism by which students can obtain a better understanding of the challenges and rewards of Accounting” (link). As part of our ongoing commitment to developing talent in our community, we could not agree more with the premise of professional mentorships. In addition to Rowan, we are also involved in mentorship programs through Widener University and the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (NJCPA).

If you attend a local university and are looking to join an accounting mentorship, seek out assistance from whatever career development programs exist within your school. Alternatively, you can reach out to the NJCPA or Bowman & Company LLP directly. Bowman is connected to multiple universities through internship programs, in addition to mentorship programs. It never hurts to research the opportunities available to you!

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